What would you do if you had all eternity? Eleven-year-old Winnie Foster yearns for a life of adventure beyond her white picket fence, but not until she becomes unexpectedly entwined with the Tuck Family does she get more than she could have imagined. When Winnie learns of the magic behind the Tuck’s unending youth, she must fight to protect their secret from those who would do anything for a chance at eternal life. As her adventure unfolds, Winnie faces an extraordinary choice: return to her life, or continue with the Tucks on their infinite journey. This production is rated PG.
Performance Schedule:
July 18 - 27
Evening Performances begin at 7:30pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday Matinees begin at 2:00pm
House doors open approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of the performance
Cody Walls
Dylan Blackwood
Becky Dibben
Costume Designer
Kent Buess
Lighting Designer
Season Underwriter

After every second Friday of a show, our patrons are invited to stay after the show is finished to continue to be entertained by the cast performing a variety of well-loved songs, and some of their own original music, as well!